How long does it take for my license to be available?

Know the activation times in our licenses


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

When making your purchase, you should know that it will depend on the modality you select.

Subscription license: depending on the payment method selected, the activation of your virtual licenses and their installers can be immediate, or take a few minutes.

  • Paypal: immediate
  • Mercadopago (For residents in Argentina): it usually takes from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the day on which the payment is made.
  • Bank transfer: up to 1 business day, as it requires confirmation by our administrative team.

Definitive license: depending on the payment method selected, the activation of your virtual licenses and their installers can be immediate, or take a few minutes.

  • Paypal: immediate
  • Mercadopago (For residents in Argentina): it usually takes from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the day on which the payment is made.
  • Bank transfer: up to 1 business day, as it requires confirmation by our administrative team.

In the case of definitive licenses, once the subscription has been processed, the services and the installer are assigned to your account. However, keep in mind that the final activation of the product requires the USB key that we send you by courier, at the end of the purchase. This can take between 4-20 business days depending on your location.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us through [email protected]!

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